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Who We Serve

We work with leading organizations including four of the top five health systems, EHR/HIE vendors, the Joint Commission, the CDC, and others to solve challenges around healthcare data quality.

Clients and Partners

Our clients and partners represent a variety of markets and segments across healthcare.

Our Markets

We work with integrated delivery networks, electronic medical records vendors, payers, government agencies, health information exchanges, content publishers, clinical research, analytics organizations and more to deliver solutions that help our clients take control of their data quality and content management needs.

IDN / Health Systems

Our integrated content management platform improve the quality of your healthcare information, making data normalization and utilization simpler, and enhancing your ability to understand and manage patient populations.

Life Sciences

Life sciences companies can utilize data to support the development of personalized medicines, increase speed to market for new drugs and devices, and create competitive advantages. We can help accelerate clinical trial management and cohort identification, as well as interoperable medical device initiatives.

ACO / Payers

Balance risk management, cost control, reporting, and requirements with greater insight when you use Clinical Architecture’s tools to give you greater insight into claims data. Our products normalize data consistently and even process unstructured text for meaning—giving you the tools to make better decisions.

Clinical Research Organizations

Clinical Architecture products provide the tools to normalize data, create an audit trail, leverage unstructured text, and automate clinical data management to ensure sound, reliable data from clinical trials.

EHR / EMR Software

Our commercial grade, integrated platform for electronic health records software supports any terminology you use — whether mapped to current standards or based in a legacy system, using updated codes or relying on unstructured text.

Health Information Exchange

互操作性是至关重要的帮助发展有限公司mation sharing and data analytics. HIEs are a vital part of helping improving health care quality, safety, and patient outcomes. Clinical Architecture products help provide a foundation for semantic interoperability to help with the effective exchange of patient information.

Population Health & Analytics

Data used for population health and analytics comes from a variety of sources, electronic medical record (EMR) systems, electronic health record (EHR) systems, claims processing services, and custom databases. We can help you establish control over the varied information that drive population health and analytics initiatives.

Content Publishers

Our products allow you to easily acquire, create, manage, reference, and distribute healthcare terminologies. Ease the administrative burden of managing healthcare terminology and free up your valuable resources to focus their efforts where you need them most.


Federal Health IT initiatives promote health and wellness, enhance delivery and experience of care, as well as help curb substance abuse and improve mental health services. Symedical®provides critical support for several federal government agencies.


"The NACHC Informatics team was able to revamp and streamline our clinical content authoring and distribution process on multiple big health data projects involving multiple external partners and organizations. We’ve been able to use Clinical Architecture’s clinically-curated value sets, localized and expanded to fit NACHC’s various use cases, and ensured that clinical concepts are properly modeled and represented, with the content being updated in real-time as standards organizations release new terms, versions and expansions."

National Association of Community Health Centers
U.S. Pharmacopeia

"The quality of medicine is fundamental to treating illness and maintaining health. USP helps build a safety net across the drug industry and healthcare system, establishing standards to help ensure medicine is of the highest quality, from manufacturing to handling of hazardous materials, and up to the moment of consumption. As a result of using Clinical Architecture’s Symedical tooling, USP has gained measurable operational efficiency and accuracy by establishing the platform as a hub for clinical content acquisition, authoring, review/feedback, publication, and distribution activities centralized in a fully audited, purpose-built platform. The newly implemented platform has enabled further data quality, positioning USP to deliver next generation harmonized reference standards and advanced analytics."

Lead, Translational Informatics
U.S. Pharmacopeia
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

"Working with the Clinical Architecture team is great. Their software has improved job functions and increased productivity at our organization."

Clinical Data Manager
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

"I am just getting started with the complete use of Symedical, however I have already seen enhanced quality of data, consolidated data sources, and enjoyed the excellent training."

Interoperability Applications Technology Manager
University of Kentucky Healthcare
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