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Reference Data Management (RDM)

Reference data is the foundation of analytics, interoperability, and advanced insights.

Reference data is what we use to align patient data from across the enterprise to a common frame of understanding. Reference terminologies can be industry standards, commercial third-party, or locally authored code systems. A common analytical information core can havehundredsof these terminologies. Inaccuracies in reference standards can impact regulatory compliance, quality measure evaluation, and meaningful interoperability.

Not staying current can result in incomplete or incorrect reference terminologies. Using standard terminologies out-of-the-box and being unable to extend them can result in an inability to leverage reference terminologies to benefit the goals of the enterprise. Using the wrong source can impact the usability of a reference terminology. Having to understand and format new sources can take time and, if done improperly, can create issues.

Symedical’s®reference data management capabilities include:


Integrated access and automated updates to national standards (such as SNOMED-CT, LOINC, RxNorm, CPT, ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, and many others), cross-reference maps, and purpose-built content assets


Automated delivery of what you need, when you need it, without loss of information


Comprehensive content for a healthcare enterprise


The ability to localize, enrich, extend, distribute, and integrate reference data


Comprehensive auditing of changes


Role-based approvals and publishing workflows


Updating and versioning of data to ensure access to historical and current content


Symedical Change Manager allows subject matter experts to evaluate updates and assess the impact to dependent content


Insulation from data import breakage due to changes at the source: if the source changes, Clinical Architecture adjusts the import to the source to ensure timely, accurate delivery of data


Easy-to-use bulk import/export capabilities


Ability, through cognition and rich metadata, to understand the semantic meaning of reference data

True Semantic Interoperability Starts Here

Learn more about our products that can help you achieve true semantic interoperability for all your data quality initiatives.

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