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Achieve 21st Century Cures Act Compliance for Interoperable Health Information Exchange

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Interoperability provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act are transforming healthcare by putting the patient at the forefront of interoperability efforts.

Central to its goal is the appropriate and necessary access to complete health records for patients, health care providers, and payers using the United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) standardized data set combined with HL7®FHIR®for nationwide, interoperable health information exchange. However, not all organizations have the technology or people resources needed to comply.

Introducing Nomentys

Nomentys is a turnkey, fully managed interoperability solution aimed at helping organizations comply with the 21st Century Cures Act using a cost-effective, easy-to-use SaaS approach. Nomentys ingests patient data in various formats, normalizes it to USCDI v2, enhances the data for improved quality, and then transforms it into a standard, predictable output such as FHIR.

Nomentys combines the powerful normalization and data quality capabilities of Symedical®into an integrated service, dramatically reducing the barriers and effort necessary to make high-quality patient information exchange a reality.

For each patient message processed, Nomentys can:


and transform between a multitude of formats and terminologies


with real-time, automated mapping to your terminologies of choice


multiple messages into a single output


merged messages using domain-specific rules


format and clinical content to improve data infidelity

Features of Nomentys


Fully managed SaaS solution for healthcare data quality and semantic interoperability


Maps to USDCI are performed by Clinical Architecture’s expert informatics resources


Nomentys dashboard provides full transparency into messaging activity and monthly trends


Runs on a fully scalable, secure, robust infrastructure hosted in AWS


Supports message transformations using FHIR, C-CDA, HL7 V2, X12, and OMOP formats


Community-based algorithms and mapping libraries aid mapping speed and consistency across maps


Makes use of Symedical®, healthcare’s industry leading semantic normalization engine


SLAs for uptime, support, and mapping are included based on Nomentys package selected

Flexible Options That Make Healthcare Data Exchange Possible for Everyone

The interoperability needs of healthcare organizations vary broadly based on organizational structure, size, and the skills of internal staff. Nomentys meets these needs with flexible packaging and pricing options geared toward easily liberating high-quality patient data and making nationwide interoperable healthcare exchange a reality for everyone.

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